I honestly woke feeling the best I had yet during this whole experience. It was a beautiful day here in Thessaloniki, 16 degrees and I had enough energy to tackle the outside. I had a few butterflies as we headed down in the elevator and blinked repeatedly as the sunlight hit my face when we opened the door. I stepped back, losing my balance slightly, having so quickly forgotten the oceans of people swirling through the sidewalks here. For us, this gets a little overwhelming. We merged with the wave at the crosswalk and still I lagged behind like a lone snail. My movement continues to be stiff and my head is always a little woozy, which keeps me going at my own pace.
But I was out! I can’t say the air was fresh as there are many smokers here, but the sky was bright and I was finally moving somewhere else than to the toilet and back. Traci and I were both hungry and it was nearing lunch time so we decided to eat first. We sat inside a beautiful restaurant just around the corner. There are countless choices of restaurants here in the city center, and this one looked to be quite popular. We settled inside and enjoyed covers of popular artists like Myley Cyrus’ “Flowers”, while we waited to be served. We chose a somewhat traditional breakfast, with eggs, toast, and bacon, although not quite the same as done at home. We people watched and chatted, and felt like normal tourists.

Afterwards, we decided to walk around the streets just a little as I had to be back for my drainage appointment with Ifi at 1:30. By the time we got back, I asked Traci how long we had been walking and she said about 10 minutes each way. I thought she was joking as it felt like at least 40 for me, both in length and effort. My legs were hurting and I was glad Ifi was arriving so I had the excuse to remove my compression and relax on the bed.
Ifi’s hands were welcomed, and even with the pressure in some areas, it released the tension I was feeling. We had a lovely chat and when she left I remained horizontal for a little nap, catching up with Traci who had already been dozing during my session.
When I woke up, I wasn’t feeling quite as perky since I could feel the start of a migraine. Not wanting to mix my meds, I opted for the migraine pill over those I was taking for my recovery. By this point it was after 4 pm and we knew that if we didn’t head out soon, the stores would be closed. I really wanted two souvenirs: a Christmas ornament and a bookmark. We had seen a Christmas shop on our earlier walk but hadn’t had time to go in. Off we went and I was delighted to find two ornaments that I loved. One, of course, was representative of Greece, and we were told this type can be hung year round for good luck. The other has a bit of a story, which I will try to keep brief.

I have been collecting Christmas ornaments since I first left home for college, and each time I travel I get one from the place I have been that year, one that reminds me of a significant experience, or an angel (as I have a penchant for these as well). Last year, I saved a baby squirrel that had been abandoned, raised it, and it lived in my back yard for the entire year. I called him Harold, only to find out later that Harold was actually Haroldine. She became pregnant and eventually went on her way. But for a while, she was an unexpected light of my life. The glass ornament I found in the little shop made me tear up as I thought about her and of course I had to have it too.

We strolled the streets a little longer, grabbed some supper to bring home, and headed back. That’s when things took a turn for the worst.
Having missed my dose of medication along with the walks had not just pissed my body off, but sent it into full rebellion. Every part of me was on fire, sore, and exhausted. I lay down, after taking the meds, trying to rest and feeling as if I would throw up from the pain.
This lasted for hours, and later I was in such agony I wanted to tear the compression off. I felt as if I couldn’t breathe. Traci helped me remove them and replace them with a pair that was a little less restrictive, which gave me some slight relief. I was near enough to another dose of pills that I could take them, along with a sleeping pill, and prayed for mercy. I could not even call my honey, I had to text that I was not well and had to skip it.
So that was that, the bitter with the sweet. Others had said not to overdo it on the first day you feel good, and I am not entirely sure that my two walks did, or if it was simply the bad luck of having to choose migraine meds over the other. Either way, it was a truly awful evening, one that left me in tears like the first day back when my meds were not working at all. Believe you me, I will not be skipping a dose again anytime soon.
I am still happy to have found Harold again though, so we are back to the sweet 🙂

Author: Holly Hedd
Holly Hedd is Lipedema Canada's Director of Communications.