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Yoga for Lipedema

« All Events Yoga for Lipedema Movement Matters Instructor Diana Instructor: Diana  “Movement Matters” First and foremost using yoga as a safe way to move. Added benefits are better individual body alignment, posture, balance, stress and anxiety reduction. Improve your overall health- body, mind, and spirit. Strive to identify what “self-care” looks like to you. […]


Yoga for Lipedema

Join Diana on Mondays at 6:30 for her gentle yoga class with limited transitional movements for those affected by Lipedema. No special clothing/equipment is needed or yoga experience necessary. Come dressed comfortably in layers. If you have a yoga mat, please bring it along. 


Yoga for Lipedema

Join Diana on Mondays at 6:30 for her gentle yoga class with limited transitional movements for those affected by Lipedema. No special clothing/equipment is needed or yoga experience necessary. Come dressed comfortably in layers. If you have a yoga mat, please bring it along. 
